Brixen / South Tyrol / Dolomites.
Brixen / South Tyrol / Dolomites.
DE - Seit über zwanzig Jahren bin ich in der Fotografie und visuellen Kommunikation tätig. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Architekturfotografie und dem Storytelling, mit dem Ziel, Räume, Formen und Geschichten durch sorgfältig gestaltete Bilder hervorzuheben. Meine Erfahrung umfasst die Umsetzung komplexer Projekte, bei denen technisches Können, Präzision und Kreativität zusammenfließen. Mit einem geschulten Blick für Ästhetik und der Fähigkeit, wirkungsvolle Botschaften zu vermitteln, kombiniere ich künstlerische Vision mit strategischer Kommunikation. Ich bin stets auf der Suche nach neuen Ideen und Werkzeugen, um hervorragende Ergebnisse zu erzielen, die den Anforderungen von Kunden und Partnern gerecht werden.
IT - Da oltre vent’anni opero nel settore della fotografia e della comunicazione visiva. Il mio lavoro è incentrato principalmente sulla fotografia di architettura e sullo storytelling, con l’obiettivo di valorizzare spazi, forme e storie attraverso immagini curate nei minimi dettagli. La mia esperienza comprende la realizzazione di progetti complessi, unendo competenza tecnica, precisione e creatività. Ho sviluppato un occhio attento per l’estetica e la capacità di trasmettere messaggi efficaci, combinando visione artistica e strategia comunicativa. Sono costantemente alla ricerca di nuove idee e strumenti per garantire risultati di eccellenza che rispondano alle esigenze di clienti e collaboratori.
EN - For over twenty years, I have been working in the field of photography and visual communication. My focus lies in architectural photography and storytelling, with the aim of enhancing spaces, shapes, and stories through meticulously crafted images. My expertise includes managing complex projects by combining technical skills, precision, and creativity. I have developed a keen eye for aesthetics and the ability to convey powerful messages, blending artistic vision with strategic communication. I am constantly seeking new ideas and tools to deliver outstanding results that meet the needs of clients and collaborators.
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"Photography is an art that works according to clear rules.
It’s all about aesthetic, quality and harmoniously composed images that endure and last.
This is how I understand my work as a photographer, turning my subjects into great images."
It’s all about aesthetic, quality and harmoniously composed images that endure and last.
This is how I understand my work as a photographer, turning my subjects into great images."